Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where have you been???

This is what you're probably wondering, huh? Well, I've been cleaning and sick, yuck! I say very sadly that I haven't "played" in a while. That's about to change though :) Tomorrow I have my first club meeting of the year, yay!! The beautiful That's Amore paper is waiting for me at the table to play with it... I will post a picture probably tomorrow of the completed 2 page layout.

What have you been doing?? I would love to see some of your work. How about we make it interesting? Email me your latest creation and I will put your name in a drawing for a fun little gift! Contest ends February 28th, good luck and happy creating!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The difference it made...

Today I received an email from one of my friends. I had asked her to comment on her experience at last year's Album Retreat. I was so touched to find out the difference it had made. She is so proud of her album. Here is what she had to say about her experience:

"When I signed up for the Album Retreat last year I was very nervous for two reasons; one, I was new to scrapbooking and didn't know what to expect and two, I didn't tell my husband how much I spent and was worried he would find out. But once I got there and began working on my album I wasn't worried about either. Alex made the layouts so easy to follow it was impossible, even for me a scrapbooking rookie, to mess up and when I was finished it was such a beautiful piece of art that I knew it was worth the money and my husband didn't care how much it cost us once I put our family's memories into it. My album from the retreat was my first real project and it is still the first thing that I bring out, to show off, when friends or family come over. It was MORE than worth it... THANK YOU ALEX!!"

Thank you Liz for sharing.

Maybe it's time you give scrapbooking a try! What are you doing with your memories???

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sharing pics from the customer Album Retreat 2008!

With this year's album retreat coming up I wanted to share some pictures from last years. As you can tell we had a blast! We were a little cramped at the table, last minute change of plans! My husband had a death in the family and had to leave right away the day before the retreat. Since I couldn't bring the girls with me to the place I had reserved we had to go to one of my friend's house. Thank you Nicole, you saved me! We all shared Nicole's dining table and at the end of the day completed 15 pages and my girls were able to play with Nicole's kids. It was a fabulous day. Let's hope my hunny doesn't bail on me this time around! LOL! Enjoy the pics!

Album Retreat - Register TODAY!

I am happy to announce that registration for the Album Retreat is now open! Come join us Saturday March 28 starting at 9 am for a full day of scrappin' and fun. You will create a complete album, a total of 15 layouts. Registration includes a 12x12 album in the color of your choice, papers, accessories, 1 My Acrylix Stamp Set of your choice from the list on your registration form and step by step instructions. You will be treated to a morning snack, lunch, dinner and drinks.

See what last year's participants had to say:

"Great product, great pages and great fun!!!" Stacie

Don't miss out! Click here to register today.

**If you're out of town and would like to create the album, please contact me for more details.