I conduct monthly scrapbooking workshops. I provide step by step instructions, a pre designed layout, I even pre cut your paper! I invite you to give me 3 hours one month and give scrapbooking a try! You're not going to regret it and your family present and future will love the beautiful art you created for them!
During one of my parties I met a lady that wasn't interested in scrapbooking. She was there to support her friend and purchase supplies for her daughter who scrapbook. At the end of the night I invited her to attend one of my workshops, just give it a try, that's all I ask! She purchased a kit and attended this past week. She loved it!! I found a comment she made to one of our mutual friends about it! My friend commented how she wished she was closer to scrapbook together and this was her response: "omg.... I am having so much fun! Why didn't I do this while you were here? Alex makes it easy. Now *I* am the one spending too much money on scrapbooking stuff." Well, you can ignore the "spending too much money" part, no such thing LOL!
My point is, you never know if you're going to like or enjoy something unless you try it! Let me show you how to make your memories last a lifetime with Close To My Heart quality products today.
Here are samples from past workshops, enjoy!
Twitterpated (September 09)

Grace (October 09)

Coming November, Jingle!!

Take time to create,
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